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In the treasure chest of Europe, Italy holds some of the biggest and brightest jewels. Rome, Florence and Venice all make the list, but don't be afraid to go off the beaten track. If you're ready for an Italian adventure, check out our list now...


Walk through the past in Pompeii


The ancient Roman town of Pompeii is one of the most famous places in the world. Preserved after the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD, this is a city filled with ghosts. Walk in the footsteps of the Pompeiian citizens and learn about the eruption, with Mount Vesuvius towering over you.



Eat pizza in Naples


As the birthplace of pizza, Naples is the first place you should try Italy's most famous food. With a thin base and minimal toppings, Neapolitan pizza is very different from its northern counterparts, and must be tried. We'll let you decide which is better! 



Ride a gondola in Venice


This is one of the most overpriced tourist traps in Italy, but at some point in your life, you've got to ride a gondola in Venice. Glide through the canals on this traditional waterboat, admiring the beautiful buildings as you pass by. For a better-priced and more authentic ride, head away from the Grand Canal and San Marco Square to find your gondolier. 



Climb Mount Vesuvius


If you've just visited Pompeii, take your visit to the next level by climbing Mount Vesuvius, a dormant volcano. With a minibus ride up most of the volcano's height, the actual climbing can be as short as an hour. At the top, admire the stunning panoramas across the Bay of Naples and remember the terrible tragedy that occured from this very spot. 



Watch the sunset at Piazzale Michelangelo, Florence


There are so many bucket list experiences in the city of Florence, but visiting Piazzale Michelangelo in the evening is a must. This elevated platform provides perfect views across the Renaissance city - you almost won't believe your eyes. 



Hike through the Cinque Terre


Want somewhere with town, countryside and sea? The Cinque Terre, a cluster of five villages on the northern Italian coast, is a postcard destination and offers something for everyone. Hike or train hop between the colourful villages, snapping photos all the way. Remember to take a dip in the sea too! 



Write a letter to Juliet, Verona 


Verona is a stunning city itself, but, as the setting of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, there's one thing you've got to do. Whether you're in love, grieving or simply want to share, write a letter to Juliet beneath her balcony. Who knows, you might even get a response...



Explore the Roman Forum, Rome  


History lover? You can't go to Italy without visiting Rome's Forum, the most iconic Roman ruins in the world. You could easily spend an entire day wandering around this archaeological complex, the former heart of the Roman Empire. 



Drink an espresso at the bar


Join the locals for their morning drink in a coffee bar, and make sure to drink it the Italian way. That's paying straight away and standing up at the counter, rather than taking a table. Don't worry, you'll get used to it! 



Daydream at the Duomo, Milan 


Milan's Cathedral is one of the most beautiful buildings in Italy and must be visited while you're in the fashion capital. Unlike the majority of Italy's other churches, the Milan Duomo is a magnificent example of complete Gothic architecture, with white spires and gargoyles for decoration. Head inside the cathedral itself before climbing up to the rooftop for an even better view. 

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