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Czech Republic

One of the best things about the Czech Republic is that it's perfect for any trip. Whether you're staying for a weekend or a week, in summer or in winter, there are plenty of things to tick off your bucket list. Prague, of course, goes without saying.


Eat chimney cake in Prague


Satisfy your sweet tooth by trying Prague's favourite treat: trdelik, also known as chimney-cake. A big pile of sugary cooked dough and all the toppings you can imagine. You'll see these on every street corner. A trip to Prague isn't complete without one!



Walk across Charles Bridge at sunset 


If you've seen Spiderman: Far From Home, you'll know that this activity is even popular with superheroes. Stroll across Prague's most iconic bridge as the sun goes down, watching the light sinking behind the statues. 



Visit St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague 


St. Vitus Cathedral is one of the prettiest cathedrals we've ever seen, and that's saying something. Although unassuming from the outside, those stained glass windows on the inside are absolutely dazzling. Climb up the cathedral tower for even more beauty, looking over Prague itself. 



Visit Terezín Concentration Camp 


Only 50 kilometres north of Prague lies Terezín Concentration Camp. It might not be as famous as Auschwitz in Poland, but Terezín is an extremely important site. As well as being one of the main camps for children, Terezín was used in Nazi propaganda to hide the camps' true purpose. It's a very poignant place to visit. 



Climb up to Karlštejn Castle


Karlštejn Castle is a picturesque castle quite literally hidden in the hills. Built by Charles IV, this medieval gem is best accessed by strolling up through the trees. 



Go on a lake hike, Zelezna Ruda 


Surrounded by the lush forest of Mount Jezerni, embark on a hike to Certovo and Cerne Lakes. Also known as the Black and Devil Lakes, these protected areas are unspoiled pockets of peace. Climb up Špičák mountain for stunning views.



Watch the astronomical clock, Prague 


Prague's astronomical clock is world-famous due to its intricate design and engineering. Head to the Old Town Square on the hour to watch the Parade of Apostles: a set of figures moving around the clock. Make sure you get there early to get a good view! 



Visit Hluboká Castle


If you're thinking that Hluboká Castle looks familiar, that's because it was inspired by England's Windsor Castle. With its smooth white facade and neat gardens, Hluboká is considered the most beautiful castle in the country. Visit in the spring and summer to see the gardens in their full glory.



Climb up Petrin Lookout Tower, Prague


Hold that the Eiffel Tower? Don't worry, you haven't travelled to Paris by mistake. Petrin Hill's Lookout Tower might be modelled on the Eiffel, but it's an experience of its own. Climb up this small-scale model for breathtaking views across Prague, with the Petrin Hill woodland spread out before you. 



Watch the sunset from the Old Town Hall Tower, Prague


Although hundreds flock to watch the Astronomical Clock in Prague's Old Town Square, not many people think of climbing up the Town Hall Tower. Climb up here around sunset to witness the most incredible views across the red-roofed city. With the colourful houses and castle complex rising into the sky, you'll take photos of Prague that you'll treasure forever.

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