Why can't I find my journey in the timetable?
Our timetable covers most popular routes in Europe, but is not 100% accurate as not all European railways choose to share their timetable data. There are a few things you can do if you can't find your journey:
Planning in advance? Check back closer to the time
If you get no results for your chosen journey, you might be checking too far ahead. We update the timetable every four days with the latest data from the railway companies, but it depends on when the data becomes available per country.
Can’t find your station? Try another spelling
Try searching again with the city or station's local spelling. If you still see no results, you can check missing train times by country below.
Can't find your train? Check direct with the railway company
Not all railway companies share their timetable data with us, so unfortunately results for the countries below might be missing or incomplete. Check timetables on the national railway company's website:
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Private operators are not included and not visible in our timetable
- TCDD (only long distance trains are visible in our timetable)
The following countries were added to our timetable recently:
- Lithuania
- Estonia
- Serbia
- Turkey (only long distance trains)
For general information on trains in each country, see trains by country.
For information about which trains are included in the pass, see here.
Change of currency
You cannot change the currency once you have a Pass in your cart. Remove the Pass, and then change the currency on the website header.