Running in to some issues with the timetable?
It's possible you're not seeing any results because our timetable is handling too many requests. Try again or check back a little later!
Our timetable does not display real time information at the moment. Please check with the train operator before you travel for the most up-to-date timetable information.
Why can't I book my reservations here?
This timetable only shows you train times and reservation fee indications. If you want to start booking reservations, go to our 'Book reservations' page, login and go through the process to book your seats.
Plan smarter with our timetable

1. Search for a journey
Search for train times across Europe and see where your Interrail Pass can take you.

2. Check if you need a seat reservation
See whether seat reservations are required for your journey and how much they could cost.*

3. Book your seat reservations
Once you've got your Pass, use our reservations tool to book your seat reservations.
* Seat availability can only be checked during the booking process.
Why do I need to buy a seat reservation when I already have a Pass?
Seat reservations aren’t included in your Interrail Pass, but for a small fee they guarantee you a comfy seat on busy routes across Europe. Not all trains require a reservation, but trains that require reservations normally save you time and have lots of extra features, like wifi and power sockets or sleeping facilities.
Popular train journeys

Amsterdam to Paris
3h 25m | from €30

London to Amsterdam
4h 35m | from €35

Prague to Budapest
6h 45m | from €6

Hamburg to Copenhagen
4h 40m | from €8

Rome to Milan
3h | from €15

Madrid to Barcelona
2h 30m | from €12
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Can't decide which route to take or which Pass you need? Plot your whole trip across Europe on our interactive map and we'll find the perfect Pass for your itinerary.

Choose from our popular itineraries
If you're not sure where to start, we've got plenty of suggestions. Choose from our library of itineraries across Europe, then customise it to suit your plans.
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Our community is full of great questions and answers from fellow Interrail travellers. Keep up-to-date with itineraries, tips and questions and answers from fellow Interrailers.
- Which trains are included in the Pass?
You can use your Pass to travel on the national railways and some private railways in the countries where your Pass is valid. In some cases, these train networks reach airports as well. Check the full list here. The Pass even includes certain buses and ferries to make sure everything is within reach.
Some popular trains like the Eurostar, TGV and AVE are included in the Interrail Pass, but require that you purchase a seat reservation.
- Why can't I find my journey in the timetable?
Our timetable covers most popular routes in Europe, but is not 100% accurate as not all European railways choose to share their timetable data. There are a few things you can do if you can't find your journey:
Planning in advance? Check back closer to the time
If you get no results for your chosen journey, you might be checking too far ahead. We update the timetable every four days with the latest data from the railway companies, but it depends on when the data becomes available per country.
Can’t find your station? Try another spelling
Try searching again with the city or station's local spelling. If you still see no results, you can check missing train times by country below.
Can't find your train? Check direct with the railway company
Not all railway companies share their timetable data with us, so unfortunately results for the countries below might be missing or incomplete. Check timetables on the national railway company's website:
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Private operators are not included and not visible in our timetable
- TCDD (only long distance trains are visible in our timetable)
The following countries were added to our timetable recently:
- Lithuania
- Estonia
- Serbia
- Turkey (only long distance trains)
For general information on trains in each country, see trains by country.
For information about which trains are included in the pass, see here.
- How do I make seat reservations?
You can make seat reservations through the Interrail.eu website for 95% of all European trains. To do this, you need an Interrail Pass and an Interrail.eu account. You can also book many trains through our Rail Planner app.
Reservations for Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland, Germany and the Benelux will be sent to you as e-tickets. You need to print these e-tickets and bring with you on the train. For other countries, you'll receive your reservations as paper tickets through registered mail.
Please check out other reservation options if you want to make reservations for domestic trains in Portugal, or any trains in Ireland, Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia or Turkey.
Change of currency
You cannot change the currency once you have a Pass in your cart. Remove the Pass, and then change the currency on the website header.